19 march 2013

Conference of Antonia Grunenberg on Tuesday March 19th 2013 at 6:00 pm in Simone Weil Amphitheater (ground floor)

Walter Benjamin, le philosophe et critique littéraire allemand (1892-1940) aimait la littérature française de même qu’il s’intéressait aux évènements politiques en France.

Ses essais sur la littérature française, comme ses critiques des nouveautés littéraires françaises dans des journaux allemands, témoignent d’une relation profonde avec la France.

En tant que Juif et Allemand et en même temps « homme de lettres » dans la culture française il était l’un des premiers philosophes européens dans l’ère du nationalisme raciste.

La présentation va traiter en premier de la « vie française » de Walter Benjamin.

Antonia Grunenberg a été résidente de l’IEA de Nantes en 2010/2011.

Antonia Grunenberg studied sociology, philosophy as well as languages and German literature in Tübingen, Frankfurt am Main and in Berlin. In 1975, she obtained her PhD in philosophy from the Free University of Berlin and in 1986, she received her accreditation in political sciences from the Technical University of Aix-la-Chapelle (Rhine-Westphalia).

From 1998 to 2009 she has been teaching at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg as a professor in Political Science (Political Theory).

In 1999 she founded the "Hannah Arendt Center" at the University of Oldenburg. She is co-founder and board member of the Hannah Arendt award for political thought (Hannah Arendt-Preis für politisches Denken) and member of the scientific board of the foundation "House of German History".

Her research focuses on political theory. She has done extended studies on the various concepts of democracy, and on the political thought of the philosopher Hannah Arendt. She has widely published in both fields.