Lecture by Antoine Garapon :
24 february 2015

Lecture by Antoine Garapon : "The events of the 7-9th January 2015"

On Tuesday February 24th 2015 at 6:00pm at the Simone Weil amphitheater.

Antoine Garapon is a lawyer and General Secretary of the IHEJ (Institut des Hautes Etudes sur la Justice).

Magistrate, Doctor of Law, Antoine Garapon was a juvenile court judge for many years before joining the IHEJ as general secretary in 1991.

He has published numerous books including Bien juger. Essai sur le rituel judiciaire (Odile Jacob, 1997), Des crimes qu’on ne peut ni punir, ni pardonner (Odile Jacob, 2002), Juger en Amérique et en France. Culture juridique française et common law (avec Ioannis Papadopoulos, Odile Jacob, 2003), Les juges dans la mondialisation (avec Julie Allard, Seuil, 2005), Les nouvelles sorcières de Salem. Leçons d’Outreau, (avec Denis Salas, Seuil, 2006), Peut-on réparer l’histoire ? Colonisation, esclavage, Shoah, (Odile Jacob, 2008), La Raison du moindre État. Le néolibéralisme et la justice (Odile Jacob, 2010).

He manages the collection Bien commun at Michalon Publishing and hosts a weekly radio program, « Le bien commun », on French national radio France-culture. He is as well one of the editor of the journal Esprit.


Theme of the conference :

The events that took place in Paris on 7-9 January are strictly unspeakable. By their violence first, but also by the difficulty we are experiencing to name them. Should we talk about terrorist attacks? Crimes? Acts of war? This work of identification is a prerequisite to enter the novelty of what happens that forces us to think about all the violence, the sacred and politics in contemporary France.


> Dépliant en anglais de la conférence d’Antoine Garapon