IEAoLU Tuesday : lecture by Pierre Lory
13 march 2018

IEAoLU Tuesday : lecture by Pierre Lory

Tuesday 13th March at 6pm at the Lieu unique in Nantes ( free entry)

This fourth lecture of the year will take place at the Lieu unique and will be presented by Pierre Lory to discuss about the mystic tradition  in islam.

Mystical movements in Islam are not only the domain of a minority of contemplatives cut off from the world: Sufi brotherhoods bring together millions of followers from all over the world. Mysticism represents one of the most important aspects of potentiality in Islamic religious life. This conference will look back at the history of these very diverse movements, their main doctrines and practices and their impact on literature and the arts. The talk will also discuss some of the more striking personalities of this mysticism as well as its role in the modern world.

Pierre Lory is director of studies at EPHE, in the religious science section. He has conducted research mainly on mysticism and esoteric schools of thought in classical Islam. His books include: Les Commentaires ésotériques du Coran selon ‘Abd al-Razzâq al-Qâshânî (Les Deux océans, 1991); Alchimie et mystique en terre d’Islam (« Folio essais », Gallimard, 2003); La Science des lettres en islam (Dervy, esprit de Lettre, 2004); Le Rêve et ses interprétations en Islam (Poche, Albin Michel, 2015).


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Next lecture

Tuesday 27th March 2018 at 6pm at the IAS with John Tolan and Étienne François about the book "Europa, notre histoire".