Call for applications:
31 october 2019

Call for applications: "Industrialisation of the Future" (NExT)

Closing date: 31st Octobre 2019

Each year, the “Industrialisationof the future” chair will welcome a researcher at Nantes-IAS, on the terms outlined below, whose work will help to put in perspective not only possible future developments in industry, but also the future worlds that industry is creating and making possible.Today, there is a plethora of forward-looking images and discourses on "future industries” and their economic, cultural and social consequences.To what extent are they techno-anthropological “revolutions” or “rifts”? Fromtechno-messianic promises totechno-catastrophists, what industrial imaginaries are actuallybeingconstructedin the world’s diversity? What are the themes, or even the myths, which convey these industrial imaginaries: “The end or the death of industry”, “industrial ecology”, “internet industry”, “green industry”, “post-industry” or “hyper-industry”, “industry 4.0”, etc. What do these representations signify? How do China, Africa or India,for example,conceive of industry and envisage this industrial future announced to mankind by the west? The “Industrialisation of the Future” chair will seek to promote a critical, interdisciplinary, genealogical and comparative approach.It will also form part of the development of a body of world-renowned expertise based in Nantes, as part of the NExT (Nantes Excellence Trajectory) project backed by the French government underthe Future Investment Program.

NExT Initiative

The NExT Initiative aims to develop a trajectory of excellence in research, training and technology transfer for the Nantes university site and to implement an ambitious policy of visibility and international attractiveness. Focused on two strong themes, health of the future and industry of the future, the NExT project is implemented by four founding members (University of Nantes, École Centralede Nantes, University Hospital of Nantes and INSERM) with the ambition to place the new university of Nantes on the world map of universities, but also to strenghten and to develop close links between academic players and the business world. To find out more about NExT :

Visit our page Application to find out more about our admission procedure. You can also download the call for applications.