

09 april 2024


« Beginnings: where to start again? »
with Claire Marin

What are the beginnings that punctuate our existence? What is a good beginning in life? Beginnings present themselves to us in a multitude of ways: from the sparkle of a child’s birth to disasters and discoveries... Beginnings are also the excitement of novelty, the fear of uncertainty, the hope of surprise. Claire Marin examines our first times and new beginnings from the dual angle of philosophical knowledge and personal experience, and raises the question of the place of narrative in the construction of ourselves and our societies.

Claire Marin, professor of philosophy in classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles and associate member of ENS-Ulm. After the bestseller Rupture(s) (L’Observatoire, 2019), Les Débuts (Autrement, 2022) is a great success.