#15ans - Camille de Toledo - Planetary limits versus Elon Musk: the finite and the infinite to come

20 June 2024



Institut d'études avancées de Nantes
Amphithéâtre Simone Weil
5, allée Jacques Berque – 44000 NANTES
Tél. 02 53 00 94 87


"Elon Musk announces that it's simple to generate a sun for Mars. The great powers are already speculatively organizing new Promethean narratives, to extract minerals from other planets. And in the face of these narratives based on the infinite hubris of human power, ecology - the thinking of earthly attachments - often seems to get stuck in narratives of exhaustion, finitudes and planetary limits. In short, we would be condemned to this alternative: the seduction of infinity on the one hand. And on the other, a way of thinking, a politics of finitude. But - and this is what we're all striving for - there is a way to infinite ecology, to make our attachment and connection to the entities of nature, to the bodies of the world, an infinity. It is this path that I shall attempt to trace in this lecture...".

Camille de Toledo, writer, artist, associate member of the Institut d'études avancées de Nantes.