There is only one month left to apply for the Commons: knowledge, powers, crises Chair. This Chair is open to a group of three people for a period of three months, or one person for a period of nine months, wishing to reflect on the notion of the commons in the current global situation.
The project will be hosted by the Institut d'études avancées de Nantes from September 2025.

The aim of setting up the Commons Chair at the Institut d’études avancées de Nantes is to create a space dedicated to the study and analysis of practices and knowledge related to the commons.
The projects developed within the Chair are intended to add to the reflections and interactions around the concept of non-appropriability of certain goods, knowledge or resources considered to be common and shared by communities, ecosystems or territories. In this sense, the Chair is open to different interpretations of the concept of the commons and its issues, extending its application to the intangible economy (knowledge, science and technology).
Within the framework of the Chair, we welcome all proposals for projects that go off the beaten track, that are difficult or impossible to carry out under other conditions, and that question dogmas in a direct way. The institute will pay particular attention to projects originating in the South, driven by minorities and taking account of ongoing international and global struggles.
For both group and individual applications, projects led by women, people representing sexual and gender minorities or from communities that are particularly vulnerable in the context of the globalisation of risks are strongly encouraged.