The Institut d'Études Avancées de Nantes is a non-profit organization that ensures an overall individual and collective balance in terms of resources and standard of living for each class of resident researchers.
The financial conditions of a resident researcher's stay at the Institute are defined on a case-by-case basis to take into account the particular situation of each individual.

Two options are available
Payment of a monthly allowance
The research resident receives a monthly allowance. The amount of the allowance is calculated by taking into account various factors, in particular the amount of the reduction (or need) in resources that may result from residency. It is capped at 2,500 euros per month (class of 2025-2026).
The allowance is paid in the form of a Per Diem, or in the form of an employment contract when the resident is an independent researcher.
Establishing a delegation
In the case of a research residency where the resident is attached to an institution, and the latter maintains his or her full remuneration during the residency, while releasing him or her from his or her obligations during the residency, it is possible, but not systematically necessary, to draw up a delegation agreement.
In this case, the supervising University and the Institute agree on the amount to be paid by the Institute to the University. A delegation agreement cannot be combined with the payment of a monthly allowance, and its amount is capped.
A few details
These elements are subject to variation and adaptation according to the different support and accompaniment mechanisms potentially associated with the residence.
Charges relating to the provision of accommodation and the cost of weekly meals may be deducted monthly from the resources paid to the resident-researcher.
For specific information, please contact