Release from the institute
As part of the celebration of the Institute's 15th anniversary, a call for contributions was made to all former Fellows and members of the Scientific Council.
The request was simple: produce a short text on one of the following themes:
- Inspiration: What will the Institute for Advanced Studies in Nantes have become in 15 years?
- Variation on the theme "Inhabiting the World Differently"
Discover these inspiring and inspired texts, which, like a mosaic, reflect the unique way in which the Institute's inhabitants perceive the world.

The Institute for Advanced Studies in Nantes in 15 Years
- Mari Paz Balibrea Enriquez - What will the Institut d'études avancées de Nantes be like in 15 years?
- Marc CHOPPLET - IEA, Nantes 30 April 2039
- Ali Hossaini - The Institut d'études avancées de Nantes: Vision 2040
- Adrian Macey - The Institute at fifteen years: from ‘penser le monde autrement’ to ‘habiter le monde autrement’
- Hashim Al Tawil - a humanist initiative
- Gogu Shyamala - Imagining the Institut d’études avancées de Nantes in 15 years!
- Michelle Szkilnik - The water was rising
Inhabiting the world differently
- Alonso Barros - Duendes: Symbiotic living in our other-wise common world
- Ammara Bekkouche - Architects put to the test of the ecological transition: a legacy in perspective
- Alfonsina Bellio - Divergent religions: living in a non-standard world
- Tanella Boni - Building a sustainable world
- Ziad Elmarsafy - Other ways of inhabiting the world: Making and unmaking the RMS Triangle
- Patricia Hayes - Habiter le monde autrement…
- Sara Keller - Architectural resonance
- Anna Krasteva - Homo Viator or inhabiting the real world as imaginary
- Sofiane Merabet - Living with Equity in this Small World from which we Come and in which we Live
- Annie Montaut - Inhabiting the world differently
- Mor Ndao - Eating and drinking in Senegambia over time: historical perspectives
- Guido Nicolosi - Living in a mediatised world
- Thomas Serrier - In other people's homes
- Petros Stangos - Climate change, judges and citizenship
- Renata Summa - Displacement as a creative valence: reflections after an ‘estrangement effect’
- Ashley Tellis - "Habiter le monde autrement?"
- Ferenc Toth - "Cultivating our garden"
- Salvador Urrieta Garcia - Inhabiting the world differently
- Udayan Vajpeyi - Am I singing a Swan Song?