Senior Research Fellow at The Agricultural Research Centre of International Development (CIRAD)

Octobre 2019 à juin 2020
Kako Nubukpo is a Senior Research Fellow at The Agricultural Research Centre of International Development (CIRAD), based in Paris (France), and a member of The French Development Agency (AFD) Scientific Council. He is a former Economic and Digital Director of the International Organization of Francophony (OIF) based in Paris. He is a Former Minister of Long term Strategy and Public Policy Evaluation of Togo. He is also Full Professor in Economics, member of the Global Economic Governance Programme of the University of Oxford (UK) and Princeton University (USA).
"Public Policy Consistency and the Search for the SDGs Achievement in Africa Franc Zone: What Role for the CFA Franc?"
The Research Project of Kako NUBUKPO is the search of dynamic consistency of public policies and achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in 2030 and of the role for monetary policy in Franc Zone in this context. Is it possible to maintain the current Institutional Arrangement on the monetary side and achieve in the same time the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
NUBUKPO, Kako (dir.). L’Envol de l’épervier : le défi de l’émergence togolaise, Lomé, Éditions Graines de Pensées, 2016.
NUBUKPO, Kako (dir.). Sortir l’Afrique de la servitude monétaire : à qui profite le franc CFA ?, Paris, Éditions La Dispute, 2016.
NUBUKPO, Kako. « Le Franc CFA, un frein à l’émergence des économies africaines ? », in L’Économie Politique, N°68, 2015/4, pp. 71-79.
NUBUKPO, Kako. L’Improvisation économique en Afrique de l’Ouest : du coton au franc CFA, Paris, Editions Karthala, coll. « Les Afriques », 2011.
NUBUKPO, Kako. L’insécurité alimentaire en Afrique Subsaharienne : le rôle des incertitudes , Paris, Editions l’Harmattan, coll. « Bibliothèque du Développement », 2000.