Publication of Claus Halberg, Fellow 2016-2017
07 march 2017

Publication of Claus Halberg, Fellow 2016-2017

Claus Halberg is a philosopher, whose research is mainly in the field of phenomenology, feminist approaches and studies on gender. He is this year Fellow at the IAS-Nantes with his project "Phenomenology, Naturalism and Normativity" . He has just published an article entitled "Fighting the Good Fight? On Some Recent Transcendentalist" in the journal Études Phénoménologiques  - Phenomenological Studies and his abstract is available online:

HALBERG, Claus, "Fighting the Good Fight.On Some Recent Transcendentalist Objections to ’Naturalized Phenomenology", Phenomenological Studies - Phenomenological Studies, vol1, 2017, p.135-165