Lionel Zinsou named new Benin Prime Minister
10 july 2015

Lionel Zinsou named new Benin Prime Minister

Lionel Zinsou is a member of the Board of Trustees of the IAS-Nantes Foundation.

Franco-Beninois economist and former investment banker Lionel Zinsou has been appointed prime minister of Benin’s new government, in a bid to improve the West African nation’s economic prospects.

President Boni Yayi announced Zinsou’s appointment after the new 28-member government, which includes 17 new ministers was formed on June 18th, 2015.

Zinsou, who has served as an adviser to Yayi was a managing partner at French bank Rothschild & Cie. He later joined Paris-based private equity firm PAI partners in 2008

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