Lecture by Paul Jorion  Developments in collapsology
08 march 2016

Lecture by Paul Jorion Developments in collapsology

Tuesday 8th March 2016 at 6pm in Simone Weil Amphitheater

 Paul Jorion is holder of the chair “Stewardship of Finance” at the Vrije Universiteit in Brussels. He is also a columnist for daily newspapers Le Monde, L’Écho and the magazines Trends-Tendances and Imagine. He is a member of the High Level Expert Group on the future of the Belgian financial sector, and a member of Jacques Attali’s study group on positive economy. He has qualifications in sociology and social anthropology (Doctor in Social Sciences from the Free University of Brussels). He has lectured at the universities of Brussels, Cambridge, Paris VIII and at the University of California in Irvine. He was also a United Nations officer (FAO), working on development projects in Africa.

  His most recent books are Comprendre les temps qui sont les nôtres (Understanding our times - Odile Jacob 2014) and Penser l’économie autrement (A different approach to economy - Fayard 2014) with Bruno Colmant. His latest book, Penser tout haut l’économie (Thinking aloud about economy) with Keynes, came out in 2015.

  Theme :

After several centuries of complexification and apparent consolidation, human societies have entered a phase of rapid collapse. Does the human race, a species of colonizers, opportunists and social beings, have the resources necessary to reverse the trend thus avoiding extinction?

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