Lecture by Gilbert Achcar :
21 january 2014

Lecture by Gilbert Achcar : "Arab uprising and complexity of the revolution"

On Tuesday January 21st 2014 at 7:00 pm at Simone Weil Amphitheater.

In association with the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Ange Guépin (MSH).

Gilbert Achcar is Professor at Professor of development Studies and International Relations at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) of the London University

« This long-term revolutionary process is rooted in the social reality of the region, characterised by many decades of stalled development – a higher rate of unemployment, especially youth unemployment, than in any other region in the world over several decades.Nevertheless, some other elements influenced the political game in the region :the nature of the state, the voters, the convergente of antithetic forces in the fight against the leaders, the different centres of power in the counter revolution and the policies of the world powers. We will assess the current uprisings situation in the light of theses elements with a particular focus on the cases of Egypt and Syria .»

 Gilbert Achcar


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