Exhibition by Teji Grover, Indian painter and Fellow at the IAS-Nantes
16 march 2017

Exhibition by Teji Grover, Indian painter and Fellow at the IAS-Nantes

16 March 

Openning of exhibition at 5pm

Teji Grover, currently Fellow at the IAS- Nantes, is an Indian poet and painter. She has developped a well-researched repertoire of natural, eco-friendly colors while producing her own paintings since 2003. Since her arrival in Nantes she has created  natural pigments colors from the surrounding nature, especially flowers, leaves etc. of trees and plants from the land on the banks of the Loire.

Since October, she has also been working with children who have made the paintings that are currently on display in the hall of the Institute . Please find below a video of the work with the children made during the workshop:


The openning will take place on Thursday, 16th March from 5pm at the IAS-Nantes.

Her own work with natural colors are also exhibited on the 1st floor.Shoud you be interested to visit the exhibition, please contact the IAS-Nantes on 02 40 48 30 30.