Emmanuel Droit invited on France Culture
31 may 2013

Emmanuel Droit invited on France Culture

For the publication of his latest article, Emmanuel Droit, fellow at IAS in 2012-2013, was invited on the French national radio France Culture, for the program La Fabrique de l’Histoire.

Emmanuel Droit, Assistant Professor at Université Rennes-II currently fellow-researcher at Nantes Institute for Advaced Study recently published, with Frank Reichherzer from Humboldt University in berlin, "La fin de l’histoire du temps présent telle que nous l’avons connue : Plaidoyer franco-allemand pour l’abandon d’une singularité historiographique" (Vingtième Siècle. Revue d’histoire 2/2013 (N° 118), p. 121-145. [online] available on cairn.info).


On this occasion, he was invited on the French national radio France Culture, for the program "La Fabrique de l’Histoire".

You can listen to the program on France Culture website.