
Charles Malamoud

Former Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of IAS-Nantes



Trained as a linguist, Charles Malamoud became a specialist of religions in India. He is now Honorary research Director of the École Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE, Paris).

However, the writtings and teachings of Charles Malamoud spread to a much larger community than that of Indianists, and it inspired the work of historians, psychologists, anthropologists, sociologists or psychanalysts. Among many others, he published the following books: Cuire le monde, Rite et pensée dans l’Inde ancienne (1989), Le jumeau solaire (2002), La danse des pierres, Études sur la scène sacrificielle dans l’Inde ancienne (2005), Féminité de la parole, Études sur l’Inde ancienne